Manufacturing automotive and large parts has its own unique challenges. Industry has worked with the automotive industry for many years, developing many successful technologies, known for uniform distribution of material, and consistent quality.
Shubham Plast latest technologies, in rapid product development cycles, meet the demand for superior part quality, precision, and ever-smaller parts, with ever-shorter life-cycles, at ever-lower costs.
The needs of the Consumer Goods industry are in creating simple items that make daily life easier for consumers, and attractive, functional, packaging that can be brought to market quickly and affordably with an eye to sustainability.
Shubham Plast technologies help in creating durable and attractive looking products with long lasting household applications
Milacron enables our customers to create innovative and unique packaging for niche items that stand out from their competitors while getting to the market quickly at an affordable cost.
Shubham Plast Machinery enables our customers to create innovative and unique packaging for niche items that stand out from their competitors while getting to the market quickly at an affordable cost.